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UXR Spotlight: Christina Webley

Christina Webley
Christina Webley

This spotlight was part of USERWEEKLY - a weekly email to understand what is happening in user research. It's the best way to keep up on trends, methodologies, insights across the industry, and meet new researchers. Each week, the newsletter captures the pulse of our community and answers a simple question: What mattered in User Research this week?

Tell us a little about yourself, Christina Webley.
Hi, I’m Christina Webley, a Senior User Researcher in the UK. I’ve worked in research and analysis roles for the UK's National Health Service, the Civil Service, and for consultancies focused on digital transformation. Through user research, I like to ensure that executive decisions are well informed by the people that they affect most - I’ve been doing this for 6+ years now. I enjoy being one of the (many) people who bridge the gap between service users and decision makers.

What's one work-related thing you want to accomplish in the next year?
In the next year, I’d love to be involved in a really niche user research project – something completely different to anything I’ve done before.
I have a few “dream” projects, but one of the more realistic ones is an ethnographic study, working with high commissioners to inform digital diplomacy for small island states (yeah, “really niche”). I’ve always been interested in international politics, taking user research into that realm is on my ‘to do’ list.
There are so many ways to apply user research, our skills are easily transferable. I’ve realized that as a UR you can always provide value in some way - and to any field of work.

If you were a superhero, what UX Research power would you have and how would you use it?
It has to be telepathy. With stakeholders, I’d instantly transmit an understanding of the need for, and value of user research – turning them into UR champions within seconds. I’d also make them promise to always do user research before making a decision, rather than making a decision and then doing user research.
When presenting findings, I’d find a way to share the user experience telepathically, like a 4D, ‘in your user’s shoes’, empathy builder that helps them to truly understand the user experience first hand. I’d still do playback sessions as well though 😉

What can people reach out to you about and how can they find you?
The main place you can find me is LinkedIn - Always keen to connect with people who have an interest in conducting research for good, user centered design, innovative ways to improve public services, anyone doing user research in the US or Caribbean, and of course anyone who has “really niche” ideas on how and where to apply user research.

I’m a silent scroller on the other social media platforms, but to see things I retweet out of interest you can find me on X (aka Twitter..).

Whoever you are, it would be great to connect!

Thank you, Christina Webley!