UXR Spotlight: Smiti Nathan Staudt
Hello! I’m Smiti Nathan Staudt and I started my first official UX Research role in August 2021.

This spotlight was part of USERWEEKLY - a weekly email to understand what is happening in user research. It's the best way to keep up on trends, methodologies, insights across the industry, and meet new researchers. Each week, the newsletter captures the pulse of our community and answers a simple question: What mattered in User Research this week?
Smiti, tell us a little about yourself.
Hello! I’m Smiti Nathan Staudt and I started my first official UX Research role in August 2021. Prior to that, I worked in higher education, archaeology, and geospatial consulting. What drives me is making financial services and products more accessible to underbanked communities, as well as co-creating solutions to make our company’s research practice more inclusive.
From your experience, what is one of the biggest challenges user research(ers) face today?
As a fairly new user researcher, I still feel that it is a major challenge to break into the field. While I see more resources to help individuals network, get mentored, prepare job documents, and refine other key skills, there is still a need more more equitable and inclusive hiring pipelines at the organizational level. Building these structures and programs is definitely a big challenge, but I feel it is key to an inclusive recruiting strategy, especially for diverse talent.
How do you separate your work life from your home life?
I keep a consistent time-bounded work schedule. I usually start my work day between 8-8:30am and end my work day at 5pm. Having a toddler helps me stick with this schedule because I start work when he leaves and I stop work when he comes home. He hates when I work instead of playing with him so it’s a good personal motivator to stay on schedule.
How can people find you?
I’m happy to connect with folx on LinkedIn, as well as Twitter (@travellingarch) where I chat a bit more about my life.
Thank you, Smiti!
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