This week in User Research (Edition 03)
USERWEEKLY is your weekly email to understanding what is happening in user research. It's the best way to keep up on trends, methodologies and insights across the industry. Each week I go through 1k+ articles from mainstream media to small blogs to capture the pulse of our community and answer a simple question: What mattered in User Research this week? Subscribe.
One of you reached out and ask what my 'Why' is for User Weekly.
Here are my three Whys.
- After creating an internal newsletter of similar format (but different topic) at my day-job, I thought I would enjoy arranging a newsletter externally as well.
- I want to be more in loop with what is happening externally and get out of the in-house bubble I'm currently in. The newsletter forces me to do that and share what I find with others who may also find it valuable.
- I want to meet more Researchers from our community and this is a way to connect with inspiring people. And I hope I can help you connect too by making it easy to reach out to the authors.
Thank you to those of you who have shared feedback on the first two episodes. The majority of feedback was on keeping it shorter. The next episodes will feature less but more relevant content. Please keep the feedback coming!
Have a great week.
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Advice on making reports your colleagues will actually read
Amy Rogers shares her advice on creating research reports that your stakeholders will read 💎 Remember your audience. Avoid acronyms and buzz words. Explain things that may seem obvious. Check that it will be readable. Make your findings digestible. Tell a good story. Highlight key details. Create diagrams. Make your words clear. (UX Collective)
What is the Opportunity Score? (And how to calculate it)
Juan Pablo Carrascal explains the Opportunity Score and methods of calculating it 💎 Break jobs-to-be-done into smaller job steps and outcomes. Test with 20+ participants. Compute the percentage of respondents who answered 4 or 5 to both importance and satisfaction. (UXR at Microsoft)
Can design instinct survive modern UX methods?
Design strategist Michael Buckley talks about creating an evolving design environment with the help of data for better user-centered designs and the impact of UX research on design decisions 💎 Common ground. The power of communication and knowledge (Ethos, Logos, Pathos). Communication styles. (UX Collective)
- Wizard of Oz prototyping for voice products by H Locke.
- Advice shared by Neil Turner on the use of domain experts for complicated problems and overcoming the challenges of working alongside domain experts.
- Gabriella Lanning talks about Concept Validation research as the 'perfect midway method' validation research for its use in usability testing method.
- Completing a research project with no budget and only under one month remotely. By Nicolette Wong.
- Comparing Net Promoter Score with a Benchmark. By Jim Lewis and Jeff Sauro.
- A How-To guide on using Airtable for better note-taking and sense-making for User Research. By Sridhar Rajendran.
- Conversion Rate Formulas to Accurately Calculate Growth shared by Tom Whatley.
- Using Product Analytics in Startups. By Tim Flack.
- Introduction to Delta Testing by Simone Thompkins.
- A step by step guide to creating product design hypotheses by Ivan Schneiders.
- Validating the impact of product ideas through your user stories. By Chris Ashby.
- The impact of Biosensor Advancements on tomorrow's user/market research. By Peter Hartzbech.
- Differences and intersections between user research and market research for more productive utilization of both by Nikki Anderson.
- Building meaningful human experiences when the "users" are your colleagues. By Ben Wiedmaier.
Driving Impact.
- Sharing user insights in a purposeful way by Chris Ashby.
- How to avoid bad design decisions due to time pressure by Kai Wong.
- Case study: UX research process on "how do users interact with privacy consent boxes in mobile devices?" By Tina Palermo.
- 4 fun-facts about human-machine interactions: Why users want computers to genuinely behave like humans. By Jean-marc Buchert.
- Research on distant interaction in the context of the Pandemic. By Chaitanya Vamsi.
- An introduction to correlational research. By Pritha Bhandari.
- How to write better surveys. By Karl Reitzig.
- Introduction to Desk Research by Assyifa Narulita.
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Video of the Week.
Joel Califa shares advice and experience on Lean UX Research at GitHub.
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Audio of the Week.
In episode 55 of Aurelius Podcast, Donna Spencer speaks about the history and evolution of UX, how to present Design and Research, empathy for stakeholders and users and using stakeholder expertise to improve Research. Spotify |Apple podcast |Sound Cloud

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Conversations next Week.
Automotive UX Research - Webinar
📅 Wednesday, 15 July 2021. 11:30 – 12:35 PM EST
🧠 Goretti Alvarez Serrano
Webinar on user experience research in the automotive industry. You will learn about its steps and key methodologies via easy examples that will elucidate a clear picture of the whole process. (LoGeek Night Germany)
Webinar: How to Focus on the Problem, Not the Solution by Spotify PM - Product School
📅 Tuesday, 20 July 2021. 8:00 – 8:00 AM EST
🧠 Cindy Chen
How to shift yours and your stakeholders’ mindset to focus on understanding the problem to solve rather than jumping to solutioning-mode to make sure you’re building the right thing. (LinkedIn)
How to Shape the UX at Your Company
📅 Wednesday, 21 July 2021. 1:00 – 2:00 PM EST
🧠 Jeff Humble Hannah Baker
A 60-minute workshop to take you from delivering screens to actively shaping the UX at your company. (The Fountain Institute)
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This Week in Tooling.
🎈 Qualtrics redesigned their XM Community Experience with a new look, an improved search and more ways to engage with colleagues. XM Community is a tool to collect, manage, and act on user research data across the organization.
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